Online, it looks like meme makers, shitposters, podcasters, and random hot girls you’ve followed for years Pronouncing their Love for The Lord (there’s a lot of Capital Letters on substack posts, like the Bible). If “redpilled” means seeing how deep the rabbit hole goes, “godpilled” is finding a secret trap door. In 2022, God is the answer to decades of internet insincerity. But the great lover of irony and plagiarism wouldn’t be surprised. If Andy was around today, he would be amused by gay downtown artists collaging crowns of thorns onto Playboy spreads and all the part-time models wearing the “Holy Trinity” bikini by viral brand Praying.
Certain he was joking, they all but laughed in his face. It is rumored that Andy Warhol, dragging himself from bed on a hungover Sunday morning after a night of partying, would sometimes ask his coterie of Factory models to accompany him to church.